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Student Video tutorials
Watch our video tutorials to learn how to get started with ImBlaze.
Upload compliance documents
Set default expiration date for request to pursue
Add a new opportunity
Set up an internship for your student (aka: start an internship)
Check daily student attendance
Reset a student password
Create a compliance checklist
Approve and set up an internship
End student internship
Create a new student account
Review and approve compliance documentation
Activate or deactivate a student account
Log into ImBlaze
Review a suggested opportunity from student
Edit student schedule and attendance logs
Edit an existing opportunity
Request to pursue & withdrawing requests
Logging a moment
Searching for an opportunity
Using wishlists
Logging attendance
How do we even get started building an internship program?Big Picture Learning has been helping schools develop student-centered internship programs for almost 25 years. Reach out and we can connect you with the coaching resources you need.
What roles do we need at our school to run an internship program?There are two key roles that will help with a successful internship program: Coordinator: This can be a CTE teacher, an assistant principal, or a variety of other folks around the school. The role involved curating and cultivating connections with mentors in the community to develop a dataset of opportunities. Once in ImBlaze, students can then request to pursue those opportunities. The coordinator can also assist with internship readiness instruction and managing compliance documentation. Advisors: This can be an advisor or a CTE teacher. The role involves supporting a student through their interest exploration and pursuit of opportunities. Once a student lands an experience, this role also supports the development of project work as well verifying student attendance in ImBlaze.
What is Big Picture Learning?At the core of Big Picture Learning’s mission is a commitment to equity for all students, especially underserved urban students, and the expectation that these students can achieve success. Big Picture Learning designs innovative learning environments, researches and replicates new models for learning, and trains educators to serve as leaders in their schools and communities. In order to create and influence the education of the future, Big Picture Learning must continually reflect on and improve our practice and research to provide the results to leverage our influence in policy decisions and educational systems at the state, national, and international levels. .
How is student information kept private and safe?ImBlaze is built upon Salesforce - an industry standard platform for hosting data trusted by fortune 500 companies, high education and health care sectors. Salesforce utilizes a minimum of 128-bit rest encryption and browsers must be a minimum of TLS 1.1 compliant.
How do opportunities get into ImBlaze?Coordinators input and manage the opportunities in ImBlaze. Students can suggest new opportunities that coordinators can review and approve or deny.
In what ways can you support our school in ensuring that our internship program is successful?Two compelling resources that can help: Big Picture Learning can provide coaching services for your school to change practice to support an internship program. Check out Learning Big Picture, our online professional development resource.
What is Learning Big Picture?Learning Big Picture is an online professional development tool to bring just-in-time training and PD to your team, to facilitate your journey to student internships and personalized learning.
Who has access to ImBlaze?Students, educators, and coordinators can use our web app, our iOS app, or our Android app. Mentors get an email in their inbox with a link to verify student attendance.
What information do you gather about students?Required data includes: full name e-mail educator's name coordinator's name Optional data includes: photo or avatar student's phone number student ID student LinkedIn profile school grade gender experiences history requests wish list attendance time logs
Does ImBlaze support students' experiences that are not internships (service days, shadow days, etc.)?Schools have adapted ImBlaze to track shadow days, on-site internships, mentored projects, and even attendance at community college classes.
How long does implementation take?This typically depends a great deal on if your school has an existing dataset of potential experiences or not and the level of support you need in redesigning your school to support opportunities.
I know it would be great to get kids connected to mentors in the real world, but how do we even get started building an internship program?Schools are a compelling hub for a professional community. Schools have multitudes of parents who cycle through the school and all those parents have communities around them to link into the school's internship program. The key is having a system with a database to organize all those internship "leads". That is where ImBlaze can help! Also talk about coaching and professional development services...
Do you help us build a database of opportunities for our students?No, ImBlaze is a tool to help manage your program. We have tools to help you build out your database, but we cannot help you make connections.
How do internship opportunities get into ImBlaze?Coordinators upload and manage the opportunities in ImBlaze. Students can suggest new opportunities that Coordinators can review and approve or deny.
We have multiple schools in our district that are starting an internship program. How does that work?Email us at about options for regional sharing and district implementation.
We have multiple schools in our district that are starting an internship program. How does that work?...
How much does it cost?Email us at to set up a demo and find out the pricing structure that is best for your school.
Is there a mobile app for students?There are native iOS and Android apps: Download the student iOS app. Download the student Android app.
I don't have a smartphone, can I still use ImBlaze?Yup. You can do everything on ImBlaze from any internet enabled computer or tablet. Just find the web browser and go to
What if I do not see an opportunity that I am interested in?We think that you should pursue experiences at places that interest you! If you do not see an opportunity in your school's database that is interesting to you, you can always suggest one. You can search Google, talk to your friends about your interests, talk to your parents, neighbors, et, to try to find a mentor that you would be interested in exploring. Then suggest an opportunity and add that mentor. Your coordinator may approve the suggestion.
How do I log into ImBlaze?The best thing to do is talk to your coordinator. They will create your account and send you a 'Welcome to ImBlaze" email that will give you access to your account.
Can my mentor see when I check in and check out?When you check in or out, the mentor sees your times and your goals or achievements for the day. They DO NOT see the bottom fields ("Anything else you want to share?")
Can my educator see where I am and when I am at my experience?ImBlaze only uses the location services on your device the moment you check in or check out.
Does ImBlaze track my location?ImBlaze does not track your location. When you are using the mobile app, ImBlaze pulls the GPS information from your phone at the moment you check in or check out. At no other time does ImBlaze utilize tracking information. The same goes for the web app. (That pulls your IP location.) Note that any user can disable location services for any app on their device. ImBlaze will still work but will not report your location when you check in and check out.
How do we get from student interest to an actual experience?Building trust with students is important. Also, encouraging students to suggest sites is another way to gain insight on their interests. Note that students have compelling networks of professionals around them, so the key is to help them understand how to tap into that network. Lastly, ImBlaze enables educators and coordinators to see what opportunities students add to their wish list, providing further insight into student interest.
How do I…?For all your ImBlaze tech or navigation questions, please see our video library first. If you can't find what you're looking for, reach out to your school's coordinator and they will contact us for help.
How do I log in to ImBlaze?Reach out to the coordinator at your school to sign up for an account. Once you receive the 'Welcome to ImBlaze' email, follow the link, set a password, and you're in.
How can I sign up to be a mentor?Reach out to us at and we'll help you set up an opportunity in our Global Library!
How do I review student attendance and provide feedback?You will receive an email with a link to the student's attendance. It's as simple as clicking ‘Approve’ or ‘Deny’ under the check-in and check-out times. The bottom of the page will have a field for you to leave feedback. This feedback will only be sent to the student's educator. To share with the student, click the checkbox under the textbox.
How do I review student attendance & provide feedback?You will receive an email with a link to the student's attendance. It's as simple as clicking 'Approve' or 'Deny' under Check-in and Check-out. The bottom of the page will have a field for you to leave feedback. This feedback will be shared with the student's advisor/teacher. You can aso choose to share it with the student.
Do I need an ImBlaze account to become a mentor?Nope! The school will enter your email into the database and when the student checks out for the day, you will receive an email with the check-in and check-out times as well as a chance to give feedback.
Who has access to ImBlaze?Your student can log in on any computer, or on the iOS and Android apps. Educators can log in to ImBlaze on a computer to assist your child in searching for opportunities and monitor attendance. The school's coordinator approves your child to pursue opportunities and maintains the overall site for the school. Mentors receive an email every day your child leaves their experience to confirm the attendance for the day.
Does ImBlaze track my child?ImBlaze does not track your child’s location. When they are using the mobile app, ImBlaze pulls the GPS information from their phone at the moment they check in or check out. At no other time does ImBlaze utilize tracking information. The same goes for the web app. (That pulls the IP location.) Note that any user can disable location services for any app on their device. ImBlaze will still work but will not report your child’s location when they check in and check out.
Can I log in to see my child’s activity?You can talk with your child about accessing their login information. At this time, there is not a parent portal.
I really want my child’s school to start an internship program so they can get out in the real world. How do I get started?Reach out to us. ImBlaze is a product of Big Picture Learning, which has 25 years of experience helping schools build interest-driven internship programs to support real-world learning and the building of student professional networks.
What information do you gather about my child?ImBlaze utilized your child's name and email address to create a login. ImBlaze enables and logs what opportunities they are searching for and where they may go for an experience. ImBlaze tracks their daily attendance, experience goals, and accomplishments.
What is ImBlaze?ImBlaze is a platform that enables schools to curate opportunities for your child. Your child can search for opportunities based on their interests. Key components of the platform: They can request to pursue experiences that they are interested in. These requests go to the school's coordinator to approve or deny. They can - with the help of educators- try to land an experience after they have been approved to pursue. ImBlaze does not automatically pair a student with a mentor. Once an experience has been started, they can log attendance at their experience. The attendance functionality in ImBlaze takes a snapshot of your child’s location when they check in and out of their experience. Note, ImBlaze does not track their location. Your child can disable location services on their mobile device, but this will prevent the school from determining if your child was at their experience when they check in or out.​ ImBlaze emails the mentor (if a mentor email address is provided) at the end of the day to confirm their attendance.

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