April 17:
Request expiration will now show up as a notification in the student home page notifications |
Advisor alerts for missing check-outs will now be shown only 30 min past the scheduled check-out time. Previously it always used to show for the scheduled day irrespective of the time. |
Validation introduced in Log a moment to not allow future dates. |
Schedule will also be shown in the attendance tab against rows that have a missing check-in. |
In the opp. wizard, mentor step , mentor search will return records based on the school/region and based on the selected org. Previously, there used to be an additional check that required them to be a mentor to an existing internship. |
Bug fix with custom answer display to show the answers based on what was entered irrespective of the current qn. configuration. |
Deprecated Archive flag on the Internship object. This was replaced by the Archived opp. status in the new portal. |